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With a cute husband and adorable boxer dog by my side, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Escape is the title of this post for 2 reasons...

#1. My 2002 Ford Escape broke down while I was driving home from work today. One second I was driving along just fine, merging into the left lane to pass an SUV, and my car suddenly feels like I had switched into Neutral. Except that I hadn't. When I pressed on the gas, the engine revved but didn't accelerate. Flashback to 2004>Nissan Maxima>Transmission>Expensive.  Since I was in the left lane, the only thing I could do was merge onto the left hand shoulder.... of I-71/I-75 Southbound.... at the top of the cut in the hill/curve.... during rush hour.
Even at 25 years old and married, my first instinct was to call my dad! Instead I phoned the hubby at work whom told me to keep my seat belt on and call roadside assistance. I don't know about you, but I cannot deal with car situations like this without crying. The poor dispatcher thought I was hurt in a wreck and about to send an ambulance until I pulled it together to tell her I just needed a tow!
Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow I find out it is a minor inexpensive fix. That silly car.
Did I mention RJ totalled his car two weeks ago!?

#2. A lost dog escape! :(
This evening while letting Lexi the boxer out on one of her late evening backyard potty breaks, RJ noticed she was excitedly running up and down the street side of the fence. As you may remember from previous posts, she's been getting out. (Note to self: post pictures of your ghetto fabulous fence fixes so that one day you can look back at "humble beginnings.")
Come to find out, there's a little yorkie dog without a collar walking down the sidewalk by his lonesome. RJ jumps the fence (classic) and picks up the well mannered gentlemen. He's not a puppy, and he's groomed. I can't help but think there's a scared old lady worried sick about him! We named him Louie for the evening, put up FOUND signs on the stop signs around our street, and broke out Lexi's old puppy crate for the evening. He's snoozing now, poor old fella.
I'm not sure what to do here, really.... I posted on Craigslist and Petfinder.com, and will call the Boone County Animal Shelter tomorrow. We just couldn't leave him out in the cold!

Luckily for Escape Situation #2, Escape Situation #1 gives me a reason to work from home tomorrow until we figure out the transportation issue. I hope Louie's momma and daddy call for him soon!

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Boo on car trouble! Hope you find easy solutions to both challenges soon! Happy Valentine's Day!
