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With a cute husband and adorable boxer dog by my side, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Escape is the title of this post for 2 reasons...

#1. My 2002 Ford Escape broke down while I was driving home from work today. One second I was driving along just fine, merging into the left lane to pass an SUV, and my car suddenly feels like I had switched into Neutral. Except that I hadn't. When I pressed on the gas, the engine revved but didn't accelerate. Flashback to 2004>Nissan Maxima>Transmission>Expensive.  Since I was in the left lane, the only thing I could do was merge onto the left hand shoulder.... of I-71/I-75 Southbound.... at the top of the cut in the hill/curve.... during rush hour.
Even at 25 years old and married, my first instinct was to call my dad! Instead I phoned the hubby at work whom told me to keep my seat belt on and call roadside assistance. I don't know about you, but I cannot deal with car situations like this without crying. The poor dispatcher thought I was hurt in a wreck and about to send an ambulance until I pulled it together to tell her I just needed a tow!
Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow I find out it is a minor inexpensive fix. That silly car.
Did I mention RJ totalled his car two weeks ago!?

#2. A lost dog escape! :(
This evening while letting Lexi the boxer out on one of her late evening backyard potty breaks, RJ noticed she was excitedly running up and down the street side of the fence. As you may remember from previous posts, she's been getting out. (Note to self: post pictures of your ghetto fabulous fence fixes so that one day you can look back at "humble beginnings.")
Come to find out, there's a little yorkie dog without a collar walking down the sidewalk by his lonesome. RJ jumps the fence (classic) and picks up the well mannered gentlemen. He's not a puppy, and he's groomed. I can't help but think there's a scared old lady worried sick about him! We named him Louie for the evening, put up FOUND signs on the stop signs around our street, and broke out Lexi's old puppy crate for the evening. He's snoozing now, poor old fella.
I'm not sure what to do here, really.... I posted on Craigslist and Petfinder.com, and will call the Boone County Animal Shelter tomorrow. We just couldn't leave him out in the cold!

Luckily for Escape Situation #2, Escape Situation #1 gives me a reason to work from home tomorrow until we figure out the transportation issue. I hope Louie's momma and daddy call for him soon!

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lovin' Feb So Far

I realize I haven't been keeping up with regular posts like I thought I would when I started this blog... but 2012 is not about feeling guilty, so here goes...

I can't believe its February 5th! Where did January go?

My "24 Books in 12 Months" challenge is going better than expected! I'm 100% in love with Suzanne Collins' series of The Hunger Games.

I also had a fabulous time connecting with my inner comedienne while reading Tina Fey's Bossypants. I recommend it to everyone!

I'm thinking if I can keep this up, "52 Books in 52 Weeks" will have to be a 2013 resolution!  Next up on my reading list is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, and I'd like to explore the books of my favorite TV ladies, Bethenny Frankel and Ellen Degeneres.

The hubbo started a "Biggest Loser" challenge at his work this week, and even though I've been in one at my office for quite a few weeks, I've found it so much easier to have self control when my partner in crime is participating also. The night before his initial weigh in we went out to our favorite dive bar, The Dugout in Burlington, for wings and fried anythings and later stuffed ourselves silly with ice cream! It was fabulous! I believe RJ was successfully plumped up for his big day!

We've started excersizing with more walks with the pooch... which might seem like a mild start, but it definitely beats standing on the back porch and using a laser pointer to make Lexi run around the back yard and get her energy under control! Today we walked for over an hour into a nearby neighborhood and discovered it led to a new housing development that makes our street look like the city dump! It was fun to walk and talk with RJ, hopefully it will be a new habit!

Lexi resting at a nearby historical cabin

Lexi snoozin' after a walk!

One of my big goals this year is to have all of my credit card debt paid off by my 26th birthday in June. So far, we are on track! Recieving our federal tax refund this week definitely helped.
Another unexpected financial boost was the $$ we recieved from our automobile insurance company after the hubbo got in a wreck a couple of weeks ago. Obviously, this was not something we wanted or expected to happen, but it kind of turned out to be a blessing in disguise. We have been talking about buying a new car for a while now, but wanted to wait until my car is paid off. His 1998 Toyota Avalon had been paid for, but this is what it looked like after his wreck.
It turns out it was a "total loss." We debated on going to the Toyota dealership since we qualify for a family discount, but it turned out that my in-laws knew of a mechanic whom had an older car for sale. We decided to purchase the older car for a great price, and plan to use it until my car is paid off and we can put some money aside. I also think it would put us in a great position if we hear a radio or TV ad for a "this weekend only" type of deal. Do us a favor and let us know if you hear of any BOGO deals, k? :)

My NY resolution to work on Pinterest-inspired projects has taken a back seat recently to my work schedule. Its an exciting and stressful time, for sure. Here is a fun shot of the front of my building, gearing up for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London!

I hope to get back into home projects soon! We had someone come out to provide an estimate on replacing our backyard fence. Anyone I've spoken with in the past 6 months is probably aware of how badly we need a new fence! The current fence is over 20 years old and is falling apart. My cute pooch has figured out how to knock out the weak boards and loves to run amuck throughout the neighborhood. I like to think she's fairly well behaved, but she always thinks its a game when we're trying to get her to come back inside. She has bounds of energy, and the only way we can catch her is to have her chase us into some poor neighbors backyard and tire her out. You cannot begin to imagine how embarrassing this is, especially if the neighbor is home.
The estimate for a new fence turned out to be an astronomical $3500, and that is even with us cutting corners and putting a chain link instead of a privacy fence on the side where our neighbors house connects (we are on a corner). I spoke with my brother, Adam, and he and my dad agreed to travel up one weekend in the next few months to help us with a DIY version. We're going to build the fence in phases, the first phase will fence in the street side and front gate sides of our backyard, for a material estimate of ~$550. Much cheaper than the fencing company, especially because Adam and Dad are willing to be paid in hugs and gratitude. :)
I will be sure to post before and after photos when that glorious weekend occurs!

Well, I'm off to get ready for a Superbowl party at our friend Gil's parents home...... who is playing again?